Friday, January 12, 2007

龍家族 (Dragon Family) - Intermission: What is our "Strip"?

This is Las Vegas Strip. But no, this is not our strip.
這是拉斯維加斯長街(Strip). 但這不是我們Strip的主題.

This is a Strip Poker game. But sorry, we are not a card game program.
這是Strip Poker. 但我們也不是牌戲節目.
(* This "playing card" model is designed by Eugeny Fridrikh)

This is a strip ... Eh... Hey! Naggy! What are you doing? This is not the style of our strip! You are "Naggy", not "Naked", ok?
這是"死脫雷普"脫衣...吔...喂, 娜姬, 妳在幹嘛? 這不是我們的風格!

Our strip is a comic strip about a dragon family! Come and see us often!
我們的節目是關於一個龍家族的漫畫! 別忘了常來看我們的節目!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Naggy has finally got a chance to be a desirable woman instead of a nagging one. I love her make-up and sexy leg!

Also, the origami of the table with two players is incredible!